Ethan Hawke starred in the movie Titanic was a relief not

Actor Ethan Hawke was happy despite losing the chance to star in the second-largest movie "Titanic"

In a recent interview with UK newspaper, Telegraph, the actor admitted he tried to play the role of Jack Dawson as a stowaway, but after seeing Leonardo DiCaprio was not long after the film appeared in 1997, Ethan was relieved.

"I sat down to watch Jack's like watching a Beatle. When it became frenzied atmosphere. All women want" somebody in "he and all men want to beat him," Ethan said to the Daily Telegraph.

"Then I realized, and felt relieved because I did not play that role," said Ethan.

"But secretly I could not if I were a play that role, may have the same life as I want without memikirnyakan my career again. Damn the Leonardo," he said.
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