Eight Facing it " Lohan In Jail "

Lindsay Lohan usually go through life like the jet-setter and a luxurious life is not like most women prisoners in a special prison where he spent a period of incarceration. There are some things that will be faced by the actress 'Mean Girls' this.

1. Two hot meal and a cold: like other prisoners - and their carers who menawasi - Lindsay Lohan will get a hot meal at breakfast and dinner and cold food for lunch, according to a spokesman for the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department.

2. Sleeping in the cot (cot): Lindsay Lohan reportedly got the same bed as other prisoners. Lohan may need adjustment because he had previously lived in Hollywood's famous Chateau Marmont hotel renowned for using the European linen and cashmere.

3. Unwanted attention: the New York Daily News quoted words of prisoners Tamara Haley "everyone wants a piece of it."

4. No Twitter: Cellular telephones and computers are not allowed inside the prison, which makes the actress will not be able to 'vent' to the outside world. The only means of communication is a public phone, according to the Associated Press.

5. New clothes: Lohan likes fashion but will not be able to enjoy behind prison bars. Most of the prisoners wearing orange overalls.

6. Meet the doctor: When inside, Lohan, like other prisoners, will meet with two doctors, one psychiatrist. they will decide whether Lohan will require treatment when there.

7. Tues 12x12: Usually Lohan easily travel between Los Angeles, New York and Europe but now a very limited movement. most of the prisoners occupy a cell measuring 8x12 feet occupied 20 hours a day. But Lohan has made her renowned status of the cell gets larger, according to ABC News reports.

8. One Plastic bags: The actress will be given a bag containing soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste and other toiletries.
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