Brittney Jones Pretends to Be Angry Over Sex Tape Release

Come on, Brittney Jones. We thought you were better than this. Of all the Z-listers to have released sex tapes, Jones - a complete unknown, something willing to say anything in order to keep her name in the news - seemed the most likely to simply own up to her on-camera actions and encourage people to purchase Brittney Jones Confidential.

Instead, she's gone the typical route of acting as if she's horrified at the notion of Vivid Entertainment releasing her sex tape. So horrified, in fact, that she's suing mad!

Lawyers for Brittney have fired off a cease-and-desist letter to Vivid, proclaiming she is "the sole and exclusive owner of the video" and that "any dissemination of the video by Vivid will cause her substantial emotional distress for which she will hold Vivid responsible."

Call us crazy, but we suspect a tidy six-figure settlement will soon be agreed upon, magically curing Jones of any and all emotional distress.
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