Actress Jolie visits refugees on Libya -Tunisia border

US film star Angelina Jolie made a surprise visit to Tunisia's border with Libya on Tuesday and met desperate refugees fleeing fighting in the north African country.

Jolie, star of such films as "Salt" and "Mr & Mrs Smith", is a goodwill ambassador for UN refugee agency UNHCR and last month made a similar surprise visit to Afghanistan.

Crowds of refugees jostled to see the star's arrival in a military-escorted convoy at the Choucha refugee camp, a transit centre for the tens of thousands of people who have fled Libya's conflict.

"Angelina we love you!" cried excited Ghanaians, Congolese, Nigerians and Ivorians.

During the visit, Jolie visited two tents hosting refugee families and then met with UNHCR officials running the camp.

"We're tired of being here! We want to return to Nigeria, take us with you!," one Nigerian refugee shouted to the star.

"It's a very good thing that she is here, even if I have not seen her films," said Congolese refugee Emmanuel Gatoni.

Many of those fleeing the violence in Libya were guest workers from other African nations who had been employed in the country.

Jolie, married to fellow actor Brad Pitt, is known for her humanitarian work, in particular with refugees.
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