Kim Kardashian would accept marriage proposal

Kim Karadsahian would "probably say yes" if her boyfriend asked her to marry him.

The reality TV star has been dating basketball star Kris Humphries since last December and while they haven't been together that long, Kim thinks he's the one for her.

When asked what she'dsay if he proposed, Kim said: "I probably would say yes. But it's a personal thing. I don't really want to talk about it."

Kim, 30, recently said she can't find fault with Kris and is absolutely smitten with him.

She revealed: "I think I haven't found one thing wrong with him, let's just put it like that."

However, while she is extremely happy with him, the stunning socialite said she doesn't have plans to start a family in the near future.

When asked about her plans to have kids, she: "Not anytime soon. But I never know what the future holds."

Kris also spoke out about Kim, saying he loves "everything" about her.

He said: "Kim is a great girl. Everything about her is terrific."

"You know I play basketball and she has all her things that she does that makes it busy. But you just have to have fun every opportunity that you have with each other."

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