Celebrity Fitness Fanatics

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Scrunchy advocate Kate Beckinsale poses for the paps on a power walk in L.A. Looking stately burns calories, right?

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Ryan Seacrest seemingly floats through his jog in L.A. You see, rich people just don't *do* dirty shoes.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Spencer Pratt works out on the beach with his best friend, also known as the guy who he pays by the hour to make him lift heavy things.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Badass biker Russell Crowe shows Sydney who truly wins the title of Lance Oz-strong.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
After a run on a Brazilian beach, topless wonder Matthew McConaughey looks puzzled by the hole-filled piece of fabric most people interpret to be a shirt.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Succeeding mainly in outfit coordination, Jesse Metcalfe lets down white men everywhere who hope to defeat the "can't jump" stereotype.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Jake Gyllenhaal represents for his bro-dawg Lance Armstrong during a run in Santa Monica, Calif.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Ashton Kutcher takes a break from working out so that he may find inspiration for his next Tweet.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Portrait of well-being Amy Winehouse trains for her future Olympics gymnastics tryouts. When pressed for comment, Shawn Johnson cried and ran away.

Celebrity Fitness Fanatics
Adrian Grenier works his yams on the beach in Miami, putting the unlimited Totally '80s Step Aerobics package he bought at the gym to good use.

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