Taylor Armstrong Was Reportedly Hospitalized After Fight With Russell

Days after Russell Armstrong was found dead in his friend’s L.A. home, more on his abusive relationship with ex-wife Taylor is coming to light. Sources say Taylor was hospitalized back in June after the couple had a nasty fight.

Russell allegedly hit Taylor in the face “so hard” that the reality star went to Cedars Sinai Hospital to have the damage assessed, an insider told myblogcelebrities. Apparently her injuries were “so extensive that she spent days in the hospital and had to have a plastic surgeon give her reconstructive surgery to repair what Russell did to her.”

A second source said Taylor hid the injury from her daughter, 5-year-old Kennedy, covering up her wounds with makeup. But she couldn’t hide it from everyone: Reportedly both Bravo and the other housewives knew about the argument. The network even took strides to “film around her” in the weeks following the incident.
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