Pippa Middleton Documentary In the Works

Pippa MiddletonTaking care of her daily duties, Pippa Middleton was seen strolling around London, England this afternoon (September 13).

Miss Middleton looked lovely in a black jacket, black top, and red skirt as she carried her massive black studded handbag up the street.

And it sounds like Pippa will be the next member of the Royal (extended) family to have a documentary made about her.

A source from Odyssey Videos, who have put out tons of product about Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding, told press, “We are rushing a 50-minute documentary dedicated solely to
Pippa into production straight away.”

Enjoy the pictures of Pippa Middleton out and about in London amidst talk of a movie about her in the works (September 13).
Pippa MiddletonPippa MiddletonPippa MiddletonPippa Middleton
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