Lindsay Lohan Gets Probation Revoked, Led Out of Court in Handcuffs

Lindsay Lohan Gets Probation Revoked, Led Out of Court in HandcuffsLindsay Lohan was handcuffed and taken into custody after Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Stephanie Saunter revoked her probation stemming from her January shoplifting case. Saunter set Lohan’s bail at $100,000 and set a probation violation hearing for Nov. 2.

Lohan arrived in court on time, wearing a flowing white dress and scarf. She wore her hair pulled back in a ponytail; her face appeared heavily made up with blush, eyeliner and lipstick.

Saunter lambasted the 25-year-old actress during the 40-minute long hearing. At issue: Lohan’s termination from the Downtown Women’s Center and decision to do community service at the American Red Cross instead. In July, Saunter sentenced Lohan to 360 hours of community service at the Downtown Women’s Center, a safe haven for L.A.’s homeless women.

“Ms. Lohan’s actions deliberately made it impossible for her to perform her sentence at the Downtown Women’s Center,” Saunter said, referring to Lohan’s hectic work travel schedule. Saunter said she “will not give her any credit” for Lohan’s work at the Red Cross noting, “nobody has the power to change my sentence.”

Saunter said that when Lohan got terminated from the Downtown Women’s Center, “she should have immediately enrolled in the morgue.” “It’s eight hour shifts, they don’t mess around,” she said of the morgue. “You show up and do what they tell you to do.”

Saunter made frequent reference to Lohan’s inability to fulfill a seemingly manageable sentence.

“You’re praising her for completing 12 hours in six months when most people could do that in one or two weeks,” Saunter told Shawn Chapman Holley, Lohan’s lawyer. “A year is a generous amount of time and the way I can count, she’s got 57 out of those 60 days left to do.”

“Probation is a gift,” Saunter said. “And there’s something called looking a gift horse in the mouth.”

At one point, Saunter read from Lohan’s probation report that explained why she didn’t enjoy working at the Downtown Women’s Center. “Her words: ‘The service was not fulfilling.’ Is that what a sentence is about?,” Saunter asked. “It’s to fulfill the defendant?” She paused before answering her own question, “No.”

“We all can’t be fulfilled by what we do,” Saunter said later.

Holley had a bail bondsman at the hearing, but even if Lohan is released on $100,000 bail, she’ll have work to do before heading back to court on Nov. 2. Saunter decreed that Lohan do two eight hour shifts a week between now and Nov. 2, for a total of 32 hours.
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