Lindsay Lohan Posing for Playboy?

Lindsay Lohan, the L.A. County Morgue's little slice of Hollywood, is posing nude for Playboy, TMZ reports, and according to the outlet, Lohan managed to negotiate a higher pay-day than first offered -- which is commendable and/or surprising considering her usual policy of giving away the nip-slips, etc. for free. According to TMZ's sources, Lohan will receive close to $1 million US for the shoot. The sometime-actress reportedly turned down the mag's initial $750,000 offer, says the site.

E! News is less certain of Lohan's Playboy Bunny status, though they do report that she is scheduled for a "top-secret photo shoot today and tomorrow." (TMZ's source says Lohan already started the shoot over the weekend.) So until Lohan's Lindsay is being displayed in all its airbrushed glory in the pages of Playboy, maybe she's just getting together with a few friends and Terry Richardson to update her Twitter avatar. When asked by both TMZ and E! News whether Lohan had signed a deal with Playboy, her rep, Steve Honig, told the outlets he could neither confirm nor deny. So, either way, we're happy to assume she's enjoying the attention.

In other, less heartwarming Lohan headlines, the actress' father Michael Lohan has been temporarily prevented from talking about his daughter in the tabloids. The senior Lohan was was thrown in a Tampa, Florida jail this morning after being arrested on domestic violence charges, TMZ reports. According to the outlet, Lohan was cuffed just after 1 a.m. after police responded to a call placed by girlfriend Kate Major. And though Lohan reportedly remains in his cell as of time of writing, TMZ reports he nearly snuck away before cops could book him. Complaining of chest pains upon his arrest, Lohan was taken to hospital by police -- where he allegedly tried to escape following a doctor's exam. Lohan was previously arrested in March in another alleged domestic-violence situation involving Major.
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