Britney Spears Fans Lobby For Modern Family Cameo

britney spearsBritney Spears' fans are pushing a major Twitter campaign to get the star to appear on Modern Family after the singer mentioned her affinity for the ABC comedy.

The hashtag #GetBritneyOnModernFamily trended worldwide yesterday.

It started when Brit, who had a cameo on Glee and a guest role on How I Met Your Mother, wrote, "I know everybody's excited about the Super Bowl, but I personally can’t wait to see the next episode of Modern Family! Funniest show on TV."

Modern Family star Sofia Vergara retweeted her message. Spears' manager Adam Leber asked fans on the site for their input on a possible Spears cameo:

"BritneySpears on Modern Family? What do you guys think?”

Twitter users jumped on the bandwagon. "I bet if Britney was on Modern Family, she would give the show its highest ratings to date!" one tweet said.

Spears took a screen shot of the trending hash tag and posted it to Facebook. "You all are at it again - look what's trending!" the 30-year-old said.

Responding to fans, she said: "Ahhhh I would love to be on it!"

What do you think? Should Britney appear on Modern Family?
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