Why Do People Love to Hate Justin Bieber?

Why Do People Love to Hate Justin Bieber?
Bieber Fever - an actual illness?
I want to pose a question to the Internet community: Why do we love to hate Justin Bieber?

Why do so many people love Justin Bieber?

1. He is incredibly famous.

2. He has millions and millions of fans, mostly female.

3. He is one of the most googled or youtubed names in the world.

4. He can dance well.

5. Whether we like to admit it or not, he has a lot of talent as a singer.

6. He is young and when he first became popular, a generation of girls fell in love with him.

7. He doesn't get in the press for doing drugs, getting too drunk etc. like other celebs are known to do.

8. He always has a smile on his face. (Ahh that annoying smile!!!)

So all of this seems to be pretty good. Why then, do so many people hate him? Well, lets consider some possible arguments against him.

Why do so many people hate Justin Bieber?

1. He is incredibly manufactured by the music industries that "own" him.

2. Some people have just had enough of him appearing EVERYWHERE. He is over marketed.

3. Some people have had enough of listening to other people, mainly 15 year old girls, go on and on and on and on about him and posting useless comments all over the internet saying 'love me Justin'.

4. He uses auto tune. (Who doesn't these days I guess?)

5. There is something really annoying about his face (not a good reason but it niggles!)

6. We want his life, his money, his fame, his popularity, and his girlfriend!

So taking all these things into consideration, the question that springs to mind is:

Do we hate Justin Bieber because we are jealous of him or is it more than that?

Personally, I am quite a stubborn person, and it would be far too much for me to accept that I might be jealous of Justin Bieber, so I am going to argue that there is just something unbelievably irritating and annoying about him. His face, his smile, his music, his dancing, his success, it is just so annoying.

I normally manage to avoid coming into contact with his franchise but when you hear people talking about how much they love him you can't help but want to scream at them how bad he is. And lets face it, us haters all do that! We all come out with arguments about how bad his music is and how terrible and annoying he is.

Will this ever change? Probably not, maybe one day if he goes out of the limelight, but for now, we are all stuck in Bieber fever and there is nothing we can do about it apart from put our heads down and try our best to ignore everything that the media and young generations of today stick in our faces! It's difficult, but we will do our best.

I am going to make a poll for men who love Justin Bieber, women who love him, men who hate him, women who hate him. It will be interesting to see how it goes. I think we can all predict to a certain extent what the results might be. I am going to say, a lot of women love him, hardly any women hate him, a lot of men hate him, and only a few men love him. This must suggest that he is a very good looking young man? If I am correct that is. It would be interesting if the result was something different!

Please leave me some opinions as well on why you think we love to hate the Bieber Meister! (Or if you think we are all terrible jealous people, tell us about that as well!)
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