Justin Bieber sparks hysteria in Paris with Boyfriend singalong

Justin Bieber treated an army of Beliebers to a brief performance in Paris
The Canadian heartthrob caused a roadblock as fans scrambled to catch a glimpse of their idol who is in the French capital performing a series of intimate gigs.

Justin wielded a megaphone as he leaned over his record label's balcony to lap up attention from the euphoric crowd yesterday.
The Canadian singer sung though a megaphone as he looked down at the crowd below from a balcony

With the help of a guitarist, the 18-year-old performed his latest track Boyfriend as well as a couple of his other hits much to the delight of the Beliebers below.

Dressed down in his usual leather jacket, black polo shirt, jeans and trainers the Baby singer played with his hair and wriggled to the beat as the fans joined in with the chorus.
The teenager looked rather happy with his fans' reaction
But it's no wonder the girls were excited as Justin had forewarned them of his appearance via Twitter.

He posted earlier in the day, 'PARIS! 20-22, rue des Fosses Saint-Jacques. 1:30 today will be #withDanKanter singing on the balcony! come sing with me!'
The Beliebers caused a roadblock as they hung on Bieber's every word
Earlier in the week the singer ran head first into a glass door mid-performance.

He has been rushing between songs backstage when he knocked himself out for 15 seconds.

Fortunately he managed to return to the stage and finish his set although  doctors said he had suffered concussion.

VIDEO: Watch Justin sing Boyfriend from a Parisian balcony
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