Miranda Kerr Works Yummy Mummy Chic 24/7 With Help From Her Favourite Little Man

Miranda Kerr Works Yummy Mummy
Miranda Kerr is turning New York into her own personal catwalk showing off a look that's part earth mother, part long-limbed stunner.

This week the Australian beauty has been flaunting her flawless figure in a series of summery outfits, often teamed with skyscraper heels that take her height to 6ft.

And her most adorable accessory? That would be her 18-month-old toddler with movie star husband Orlando Bloom.

Flynn, their pride and joy, is quite steady on his feet now, but the model mum still can't resist slinging him on her hip occasionally even on the way to business meetings.

At 29, Miranda is one of the highest paid cover girls in the world – raking in $4 million in the last year. Part of this salary also came from her organic skincare line Kora, developed when the Victoria's Secret angel couldn't find anything with the natural products she craved for herself .

Her income put her in seventh place on Forbes' recent index of models' earnings, behind the likes of Gisele Bundchen and Kate Moss.

Commenting on her charmed life, the budding business mogul told Vogue that her rise to the top was not without it's battles.

She struggled for years receiving knockbacks for being too smiley and upbeat in an industry that often prefers moody, enigmatic looks on the catwalk.

Miranda says: "I am very lucky, and I recognise that, but I can't feel bad about what I have, because I worked very hard for it.

"I especially worked hard pushing out that baby."
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