Jennifer Aniston's Workout and Diet Secrets

Jennifer Aniston's Workout and Diet Secrets
5 ways Jennifer Aniston Stays in Shape

Jennifer Aniston turned 40 back in February and she looks absolutely fabulous! To maintain her toned, sexy figure, Jen follows a strict diet and workout routine. Get Jen’s toned arms, flat tummy, and lean legs by following her 5 body routine tips:

1. Yoga - Jen and her instructor Mandy Ingber have three sessions a week that include sun salutations, and the bridge, tree, and butterfly pose. Mandy also has Jen do scissor kicks, and lunges for strength training. Jen has been doing yoga for years now and credits yoga and her instructor Mandy for keeping her muscles long and lean.

2. Cardio - Along with Jen’s yoga sessions she also has a cardio routine. Jen alternates between an elliptical and a treadmill. Jen does her cardio sessions prior to her yoga to help increase her metabolism. She starts with a 5 minute warm up, followed by 20 minutes of rigorous running on the treadmill, or on the elliptical. This helps Jen burn calories, while giving her a good warm up before her yoga class. Jen also enjoys going for brisk walks on the beach with her dog.

3. Budokon - Jen also practices Budokon with Cameron Shayne. Cameron Shayne is a martial arts expert that is known for training celebs for more challenging/physical parts. Budokon is a combination of martial arts techniques and meditation. Budokon is intended to channel energy and attain balance through special techniques and exercises. During one of Jen’s Budokon sessions she can burn up to 900 calories!

4. The Zone Diet - Ever since her days on “Friends” Jen has been using the Zone diet to stay at her goal weight. The Zone Diet consists of a ratio of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat. The Zone Diet recommends using lean sources of protein, and low-starch fruits. Jen also uses portion control.

5. The South Beach Diet -  Jen also follows the ideas of the South Beach Diet. The South Beach Diet focuses on “Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs” and “Good Fats vs. Bad Fats”. “Good Carbs” on The South Beach Diet consist of carbs with low sugar. “Good Fats” consist of unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acid.
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