ANTM All Stars: Coco Rocha

Is it just me or were all the photos bad from the touch football game? It’s like all the girls besides Kayla forgot they were models and were just posing at a game with friends. Kayla clearly deserved to win that one.

I LOVED this photo shoot with Coco Rocha. She is aMAYzing. She looked different in every single shot. That’s where this becomes an art and not just taking pretty photos. Heaven knows I could use a little of that art in my photos. Maybe I’ll try aggression next time. Pretty scream into the camera. That’s so funny to think about. What would my husband do if I screamed at him through the camera? Hilarious. Or the photographer at Target during my family pic? That would be a riot.

So happy Allison got a good photo. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights the whole time. And when she tried screaming? Oh my gosh that was a crack up. I just love her so much I hate to see her struggle with anything. I WANT HER TO WIN!!!!!! I love her quirkiness and unexpected beauty. Go Allison!!

Dominique looked amazing in her photo shoot and at panel. I think they’re right that she is really developing and coming into her own. Stunning.

I’m still amazed at the ridiculously bad photos that are coming out of this season but I’m blown away by the good ones.

btw I couldn’t blog the last two weeks but can you believe how uppity Shannon got when Bianca had a real concern about her phone time being allotted correctly? ”I’m a sensitive spirit and I don’t like conflict.” I’m sorry but what conflict was Bianca throwing out? She was speaking in a completely civilized tone using appropriate language. And then Lisa. Now you know I love Lisa because she is a drama queen but please. Give me a break. She went off on Bianca for no reason. Now I know Bianca likes to tell it like it is and causes problems but this time I felt she was completely justified. Stupid girls.

Phew. It feels good to get that off my chest. Can’t wait for next week. This season is truly spectacular.

Where you surprised Bre went home last night? I kind of was but that was a craptastic photo shoot.

ANTM is on next week (with Kathy Griffin. squeeeel) on Wednesday at 8pm on The CW.
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