Britney Spears Off the Market? Singer and Jason Trawick Reportedly Engaged

Britney Spears and boyfriend Jason TrawickJason Trawick may have jumped the engagement gun because Britney Spears just posted a message hinting that he popped the question, and she said yes!

Spears just went to her Facebook page and wrote, "OMG. Last night Jason surprised me with the one gift I've been waiting for. Can't wait to show you! SO SO SO excited!!!! Xxo."

TMZ broke the story that Trawick had planned to ask for Britney's hand in marriage during their trip to Vegas, and the smart money was that it was all supposed to go down tonight. But it seems that he just couldn't wait.

Sources close to the couple tell us Trawick organized a massive celebratory dinner tonight at the Chocolate Lounge at the Sugar Factory in the Paris Hotel because Spears loves chocolate.

After dinner, the gang is set to go to Chateau nightclub and party the night away.

TMZ is told everyone involved in the fiesta has received specific marching orders: anything Spears wants, Spears gets.
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