Gossiping About Celebrities is Good for You!

For so long now it seem that gossip has had a bit of a bad rep. We're told constantly to stop gossiping, and as a celebrity editor, it's tough not to! It's kind of my job.

So when new research conducted by Florida Grapefruit proved that not only do 70% of us gossip for an hour or more a day, but a bit of juicy gossip is actually healthy for us, it was a great relief.

Gossip about celebrities

Sharing juicy gossip is a way for us to escape the monotony of our everyday lives so we shouldn’t feel guilty about doing it. And while the study showed that gossiping in the workplace (where we're most likely caught doing it!) is costing bosses around £2,814 a year, it's got to be worth it. Gossip can be a great team-building exercise and is a good break away from work, meaning you can focus better on your tasks.

It's not just celebrity gossip that is becoming more of a part of our daily routines - gossip about our colleagues in the workplace is also growing in popularity. The lives of others are just so interesting, wouldn't you agree?

Last year, the most gossiped-about celebrities were, according to Florida Grapefruit's reserarch, Frankie Cocozza, Pippa Middleton and Justin Bieber. I can vouch for this - they were certainly some of the most interesting people in showbiz to natter about! One's an unruly former X Factor contestant with an eye for the ladies and trouble, one is an accidental star with a great bottom and one is the world's most famous teen popstar. Why wouldn't you want to gossip about all three of them?!

Although gossiping is still largely thought of as bad, nutritionist Dr Sarah Schenker says; "This research reveals some really interesting statistics about the fact that indulging in everyday gossip can in fact be good for us, and in my experience people often enjoy a gossip at mealtimes.

"Of course it's my job to help people understand good nutrition and encourage them to have a balanced diet and eat plenty of fruit and veg, including the most juicy ones like grapefruit!"

Well, there you go. A good healthy gossip can (almost) be one of your five a day!

Gossip away...

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