Kim Kardashian's New Hair Color

Kim Kardashian hair color
Kim Kardashian is on a mission to make some big life changes in 2012, starting with her hair color.

Kim Kardashian's New Hair Color All the Details!

The 31-year-old posted a photo of herself rocking a lighter brown shade on Twitter Monday with the message, "I dyed my hair lighter yesterday! I'm loving it! New hair color = new beginnings for me. You like?"

And the response from her nearly 13 million followers was an overwhelming, "yes!"

"With everything she's gone through, a little bit of change is nice," the star's colorist Rebecca Friedman, co-owner of the Goodform Salon in Hollywood, Calif.

Freidman spent almost three hours perfecting Kim's color, which she describes as a "cooler, chocolate-y brown" with “sun-kissed streaks that are close to her childhood color."

The reality star, who went blonde back in 2009, originally had a much lighter hue in mind, but Friedman explained that if she kept her base color the same and just added in highlights it would still look much brighter, but also more natural.

And her celeb client loved the end result. "It was really great. It's possible that she'll want to go lighter, but she's definitely keeping it like this for now," says Friedman.

To achieve a similar shade, make an appointment with a professional colorist, Friedman advises, since this highlighting technique, which requires placing the streaks just so for the perfect faded effect, is tricky to do at home.

She also recommends bringing pictures of the specific color you want to your hairdresser and taking care of your hair after you dye it by alternating between a protein and a moisturizing treatment.
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