Lindsay Lohan Attributes "Working 85 Hours in 4 Days" to Her Exhaustion

After panic surrounding Friday's false report that Lindsay Lohan was found unconscious and rushed to the hospital occured, the actress is now assuring the world that there's nothing to worry about.

"Note to self.. After working 85 hours in 4 days, and being up all night shooting, be very aware that you might pass out from exhaustion & 7 paramedics MIGHT show up @ your door... Hopefully they're cute. Otherwise it would be a real let down," the 25-year-old posted on her Twitter early Saturday morning. "Back on set," she added.

Hours before Lohan herself addressed the incident, her rep steve Honig told Us Weekly that it was just a matter of the star, who has been in Marina del Ray, Calif. shooting the Lifetime Elizabeth Taylor biopic Liz And Dick, just needing to catch up on some zzz's.

"Lindsay Lohan worked a grueling schedule the past few days. She was on set last night at 7 pm and worked through the night until 8 am this morning. She took a nap before shooting her scene," Honig explained. "Producers were concerned when she did not come out of her room and called paramedics as a precaution."

Added Honig, "Lindsay was examined and is fine, but did suffer some exhaustion and dehydration. Lindsay Lohan was never taken to a hospital; reports to the contrary are false. She is resting now, and is hoping to be back on set later this afternoon.

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