Taylor Lautner loved 'comedic' Jacob role

Taylor Lautner loved 'comedic' Jacob role
Taylor Lautner found it "fun" introducing a more comical side to his character Jacob Black in 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2'.

Taylor Lautner loved introducing a funnier side to Jacob Black in 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2'.

The 20-year-old actor had "fun" portraying a more comical side to his alter-ego in the final fantasy film in the franchise and he enjoyed his character's ongoing transformation which sees him grow closer to Kristen Stewart's alter-ego Bella Swan.

He said: "It was really exciting for me to play this new side of Jacob in 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2.' For the whole 'Twilight' franchise he thought one thing, 'Bella, Bella, Bella. That's where I'm supposed to be.' And in this one he finally realises the correct placement of Bella in his life, and he realises who he truly is and where he truly belongs.

"He has a huge weight lifted off his shoulders and he's a new Jacob in this last one. That was exciting to play, he gets to have a smile on his face more, he gets to crack a few jokes. I get to play a more comedic side of Jacob. It was fun. What I love about Jacob so much in the 'Twilight' franchise is that he's never stopped evolving, he's always changing, from movie to movie - huge leaps. As an actor that's a dream to play."

Taylor admits he's enjoyed having four different directors for the five movies in the franchise because it has enabled him to bring different sides to Jacob by listening to advice from several filmmakers.

He added to FlicksandBits.com: "When you make a normal movie, you film for three months, you play the character once, then you say goodbye. With this one it's completely different. You're able to see the movies, think about things that maybe you want to change or bring to it differently.

"You get different input from different directors. I loved the fact that we got four different directors for the five movies. We were able to continue learning throughout the past four years, and bring different sides to ourselves to the characters. That was a one of a kind experience."

'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2' is released in the UK on November 16.
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