Rihanna's Dad Tells Star To Cut Back On Partying

The S&M singer is famous for her wild lifestyle, but friends are concerned her antics are damaging her health.

She recently had a scare when she ended up in hospital after a night out in New York and that prompted her dad, Ronald Fenty, to have a serious talk with her about her social life and heavy workload.

He was concerned after seeing the photo Rihanna posted on Twitter of herself hooked up to a drip and flew from Barbados to the US to see her.

'The truth is she was suffering from flu and exhaustion. She'd also lost a pound or two in weight and just wasn't feeling well,' he told the Sunday Mirror.

'Even so, I sat her down and said she needed to take things easy. I told her it was important to chill out a bit, look after herself and not take too much on for a while.'

Just weeks after the New York incident, Rihanna missed a flight from London because she had overindulged at a party staged by Jay-Z and Kanye West.

However, she does seem to have belatedly taken her dad's advice, as she has pulled out of a planned trip to the UK to film a TV show and will instead take a holiday with her family in Barbados.
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