Some celebrity quotes on NY's new gay marriage law

Some quotes from celebrities reacting to state lawmakers passing and Gov. Andrew Cuomo signing legislation making gay marriage legal in New York:

"I can't stop crying. We did it kids." Lady Gaga, on Twitter.

"happy gays r here again !!!!!" — Rosie O'Donnell, on Twitter.

"I have never been prouder to be a lifelong New Yorker than I am today with the passage of marriage equality." — Cyndi Lauper, in a statement.

"Time to celebrate!!! Marriage Equality for NYers! Its about... love!" — Ricky Martin, on Twitter.

"It PASSED! Marriage equality in NY!! Yes!! Progress!! Thank you everyone who worked so hard on this!! A historic night!" — Neil Patrick Harris, on Twitter.

"I'm thrilled about the news from NY. Marriage equality! Every day we get a little closer. What an amazing feeling." — Ellen DeGeneres, on Twitter.

"tonight we're all New Yorkers! Straight & gay alike, let's all celebrate marriage (hash)equality. The right side of history!" — Kathy Griffin, on Twitter.

"Happy that New York passed marriage equality tonight. A victory for human rights. Progress." — John Legend, on Twitter.

"congratulations!!!!!!!!! About time!" Pink, on Twitter.

"Alec! Now we can get married!" — Steve Martin to Alec Baldwin, on Twitter.

"Ok. But if you play that ... banjo after eleven o'clock..." — Baldwin's response.

"I sing it every night, but now it has better meaning: `New York- concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there's nothing you can't do.' :) As if I didn't already have enough to celebrate and enjoy today. A big hug for New York from my lone hotel room in London." — Darren Criss, on Twitter.

"Way to go, New York. One people. One planet. One love." Alyssa Milano, on Twitter.

"Proud to be FROM NY! — Lindsay Lohan, on Twitter.

"Yay for Gay Marriage! NY, it's about time...jersey we're next! How you doin?" — Wendy Williams, on Twitter.

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